Breathing Easy Raising Awareness on World Asthma Day

World Asthma Day 2023 is being held on May 2, 2023. In 1998, World Asthma
Day was Accompanied by World Asthma Meeting in more than 35 nations. The
Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) organizes this day annually to increase
awareness and enhance asthma care throughout the world, a medical
guideline body founded in 1993, took the initiative.

The focus of World Asthma Day is on encouraging asthma control and
lessening the burden that asthma places on individuals, families, and
communities because it is a chronic respiratory condition that affects millions
of people worldwide

World Asthma Day offers a chance to raise awareness of asthma in the general
population and promote improved access to care and treatment. In order to
improve their quality of life, persons who have asthma must go for routine
medical examinations without fail. Asthma is known to increase mortality and
morbidity rates if not treated in a timely manner.

Coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, chest tightness, and exhaustion are
asthma red signs. It is crucial to consult a doctor right away and receive the
required care. The management of asthma requires prompt intervention. You
could get into a lot of trouble if you ignore it. As a result, people with asthma
shouldn’t neglect their routine medical exams. It’s crucial to diagnose and treat
asthma early and to visit the doctor frequently.

The health expert came to the following conclusion: “There is still a sizable
burden of undiagnosed, and hence untreated, asthma in both children and
adults. It is preferable to get medical help as soon as possible and live healthily.

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