Malaika Arora Describes Herself As A “Happy Girl” After Enjoying These Meals On Sunday.

Malaika Arora has long been an inspiration to all of us, whether it is through her fashion
choices or her workout routine. But her passion for food deserves a lot more of our focus.
That is correct! Malaika treats her indulgent eating habits just as seriously as her power
yoga and Pilates workouts.

This has also been extensively covered on her Instagram account. Malaika never thinks
twice about including her followers in her culinary explorations, and this Sunday was no
exception. The actress got her day off to a very healthy start. Are you curious about what
she ate for breakfast? Some protein-rich pancakes that were covered with maple syrup and
dried blueberries were also beneficial.

Malaika posted Healthy protein-packed pancakes for the win, along with “#mysunday”.

Malaika Arora enjoys a wide range of foods, but traditional Indian food seems to be her
comfort food. And papads unquestionably hold a special place. She posted a photo of a dish
filled with tiny bits of several papad varieties and merely used the “#ykiyk” for the caption,
which is short for “you know if you know”.

Malika Arora addressed your concerns in her subsequent upload, in case you were curious
about what accompanied the appetizing-looking papads. It’s Kadhi from Sindh! After
enjoying a bowl of Sindhi kadhi, some rice, and papad, Malaika proclaimed herself to be a
“am a happy gurl.”


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